The Power LED indicates whether the Dionex Inuvion IC System power is on. Other LEDs indicate the status of various system functions. Active LEDs are green (except when blinking), with the exception of Alarm, which is red when activated. For details, see the following table.

Dionex Inuvion IC System front panel LED states

LED label

If on (solid)

Displayed on...


Indicates that the system is on

Dionex Inuvion Core, Dionex Inuvion, Dionex Inuvion RFIC


Indicates that an error occurred; the LED remains on until the error is resolved

Dionex Inuvion Core, Dionex Inuvion, Dionex Inuvion RFIC


Indicates that the pump is on and operating normally

Dionex Inuvion Core, Dionex Inuvion, Dionex Inuvion RFIC


Indicates that the suppressor is on and operating normally

Dionex Inuvion, Dionex Inuvion RFIC


Indicates that the RFIC is on and operating normally

Dionex Inuvion RFIC