Operation of the Dionex Inuvion IC System is controlled remotely by an instrument computer running the Microsoft® Windows® 10 or 11 operating systems and Chromeleon CDS, version 7.3.2 and later. Chromeleon CDS also provides data acquisition and data processing functions.

Upon connection via USB, Chromeleon CDS automatically recognizes the system and its components (for example, the degasser, column heater, and auxiliary valve). Chromeleon CDS detects devices capable of auto-configuration and recognizes each model type. When a Dionex Inuvion IC System is connected, a single new Chromeleon CDS instrument is created and configured. Connecting a second system will create a separate Chromeleon CDS instrument. Note that the Chromeleon CDS auto-configures components during the initial setup only; components added later must be manually configured.

The Chromeleon CDS also loads the appropriate driver(s) and auto-saves the configuration in the Instrument Configuration Manager while assigning default values or parameters for all configured devices. Device configuration details are displayed in a dialog box which includes guidance on how to resolve warnings, errors, and other issues. The following table describes the Chromeleon CDS audit trail severity levels and potential effects. For more information about error messages, see Troubleshooting.

Chromeleon CDS audit trail severity levels


Severity level



A message is displayed in the audit trail, but the current run is not interrupted.


A message is displayed in the audit trail, and the system attempts to correct the problem (sometimes by using an alternative parameter). An error never interrupts the current analysis; however, if it occurs during the Ready Check, the queue will not be started until the error is resolved.


A message is displayed in the audit trail, and the running queue is aborted.

There are two modes of software control:

  • With automated control, you create a list of control commands to be executed in chronological order.
  • With direct control, you use the controls on the ePanel Set in Chromeleon CDS (see the image below) to issue commands and enter operating parameters. Direct control commands and parameter settings are executed as soon as they are entered.

The Home ePanel of the ePanel Set includes system status information, a signal plot, and controls for the most commonly used system functions. Select the tabs at the top of the ePanel to access detailed status and control functions for each system component (pump, detector, and so on).

For instructions on how to connect to the ePanel Set, see Connect to Chromeleon CDS.

Figure Example Inuvion ePanel Set
If a function to be performed is not available on the ePanel Set, select the Command icon on the Instrument toolbar above the ePanel Set (or press the F8 key) to open the Command window. From there, you can access all system commands available to the system.