The Dionex Inuvion IC System is available in two configurations: with and without RFIC eluent generation. Systems can be upgraded between models and configurations by Thermo Fisher Scientific service engineers.

Required consumables, including analytical columns, must be purchased to perform applications. Other consumables, such as suppressors and guard columns, are required for most applications, with some exceptions.

The Dionex Inuvion IC System is designed as a reliable, readily configurable, and easily operated instrument that supports a diverse array of applications, particularly when used with optional accessories.

Dionex Inuvion IC System are designed to be user-friendly and include these features:

  • A simplified flow path
  • Easy access to system components for user maintenance and upgrades
  • A streamlined Chromeleon CDS user interface
  • A smaller size, with a reduced footprint and greater portability
  • An ergonomic, easily accessed eluent generator cartridge (Dionex EGC)
  • A wide range of user-orderable and installable accessories
  • Automated startup and shutdown procedures
  • Faster baseline stability via updated electronics
  • An upgraded analytical pump that provides greater reliability and durability
  • An improved conductivity detector with a conductivity cell
  • Automatic detection of one-wire enabled consumables
  • Additional tubing clips and holders for improved and orderly tubing routings
  • Improved column oven for uniform and faster heating
  • (Optional) Tubing connections with Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ IC PEEK™ Viper™ fittings for ease of use and improved connections
  • Expanded training and user support