A sequence is a collection of injections that are analyzed and processed together in series. Each injection is represented in the sequence as a row (the same is true for replicate injections). Injections can be one of the following types:
Unknown: An injection for which the presence or absence of components (and their quantities) is to be determined during the analysis.
Calibration Standard: An injection with known component concentration. Calibration standards are used to construct calibration curves.
Check Standard: An injection with known component concentrations. Check standards are used to verify a calibration.
Blank: An injection used to characterize the background signal (baseline) and to ensure that unwanted components are not detected. Blank “injections” can be made without an actual injection taking place.
Matrix: The injection matrix. The peak areas in the matrix can be subtracted from the corresponding peak areas in all the other injections in the sequence.
Unspiked: An Unknown injection to be analyzed with the Standard Addition method.
Spiked: An Unknown injection to be analyzed with the Standard Addition method, with known amounts of components added.