A data vault ( ) is a container for all data. The Data category provides access to all the data that is stored in each connected data vault.
A data vault can contain the following objects:
Folder: A container for objects. Use folders to organize data in a data vault.
Sequence: A collection of injections that belong together. A typical sequence contains an instrument, a processing method, a report template, and a view settings file.
Instrument Method: A set of timed commands for an instrument that are executed during a chromatographic analysis.
Processing Method: A collection of parameters (including parameters for peak detection and calibration) that are used to evaluate a chromatogram.
Report Template: A file that defines how data is displayed, printed, or exported. A report template can also contain calculations. When applied to a sequence (to view, print, or export the results), the output is referred to as a report.
Electronic Report: An electronic version of the results of a sequence.
View Settings: These settings define how data is presented on the screen, and include settings for interactive result tables, chromatograms, calibration curves, and so on.
UV Spectral Library: A collection of spectra used for peak identification.
Query: A data vault search that you can use to find injections that match certain criteria.
Instrument Audit Trails: A log of instrument events such as system settings, executed commands, and error messages.