The Chromatography Studio window opens when you double-click a file in the Chromeleon Console window and provides access to the following tasks:
- Viewing and processing your chromatography data
- Creating and modifying instrument and processing methods
- Creating and modifying report templates
- Searching and editing the spectral library
- Printing and exporting data
The Chromatography Studio window is divided into eight areas (see Chromatography Studio).
No. | Description | No. | Description |
1 | Title bar: You can right-click anywhere in the title bar to minimize, maximize, restore, move, or re-size the Chromatography Studio window. | 5 | Navigation pane: The navigation pane in the Chromeleon Console contains lists of Injections, Sequences, Channels, Components, Processing Methods, Report Templates, Electronic Reports, and icons that indicate the statuses of each of these items. Use these lists to navigate through the objects related to data processing. Selecting an individual item in a list updates the processed data displayed in the work area for that item. For example, selecting an injection in the injections list updates all work area panes for the selected injection. |
2 | Ribbon tabs: Each tab of the ribbon relates to a task, such as defining a processing method or laying out a plot. To reduce clutter, contextual tabs of the ribbon are displayed only when you activate the object that they control. | 6 | Category bars: When you select a category bar, the contents of the other areas change to display information and controls appropriate for that category. For example, if you select the Report Designer category bar, the navigation pane displays the worksheets of a report template. |
3 | Studio button: Located in the upper left corner of the Chromatography Studio window. Use this button to open the Chromatograhpy Studio menu. From this menu, you can open, print, or export data. You can also save any modifications you made in the Chromatograhpy Studio. | 7 | Status bar: Displays the username and the role of the current user. |
4 | Ribbon: Helps you to quickly find the commands that you need to complete a task. Commands are in groups, where one or more groups of commands are collected under a tab. | 8 | Work area: The work area can be populated by panes that are defined and operated from the ribbon. Selecting a specific pane in the work area can display new tabs on the ribbon. |
The availability of categories in the Chromatography Studio might change depending on the following:
- Current data: For example, the Non-Targeted MS Processing category and the Intact Protein Deconvolution (IPD) category are only available when MS data is present in the sequence. The UV Spectral Library category is available only when 3D field absorbance data is present in the sequence or when a spectral library is viewed on its own. For sequences with data not yet acquired, all categories are enabled by licenses and installed components.
- Licenses and installed components: For example, the Non-Targeted MS Processing category and the IPD category are only enabled with appropriate licenses. Additionally, to enable the IPD category, the Thermo Deconvolution Engine must be installed.
For more information about the Chromatography Studio, refer to the Using the Chromatography Studio topic in the Chromeleon 7 Help.