The Chromeleon Console window lets you control instruments, navigate through all data, and use or manage eWorkflows.
When you start Chromeleon 7, the Chromeleon Console window is the first window to open. The Chromeleon Console window is divided into six areas (see Chromeleon Console).
No. | Description | No. | Description |
1 | Title bar: You can right-click anywhere in the title bar to minimize, maximize, restore, move, or size the Chromeleon Console window. | 4 | Category bars: When you select a category bar, the contents of the other areas change to display information and controls appropriate for that category. For example, if you select the Data category bar, the navigation pane displays a data tree, and the work area displays content details for the item that is currently selected in the tree. |
2 | Menu bar: Lists commands that remain the same in all views of the Chromeleon Console window. Some commands might be disabled when they are not applicable to the current category or to the data item currently selected in the navigation pane or in the work area. | 5 | Status bar: On the left, it displays the name of the item that is currently selected in the navigation pane. On the right, it displays the username and the role of the current user. |
3 | Navigation pane: Use this pane to browse and select items within the Instruments category, the Data category, or the eWorkflows category. | 6 | Work area: Displays the content details for the item selected in the navigation pane. |
The navigation pane lets you browse and select items within any one of the following categories:
- Data category: Displays data items in the form of a data tree for selected data vaults.
- Instruments category: Displays a list of configured instruments that can be grouped by their instrument controller.
- eWorkflows category: Displays a list of eWorkflows that are grouped by the data vaults that they are saved in.
The navigation pane has a top-level filter that lets you control which instruments, data vaults, or eWorkflows are displayed. The filters are as follows:
Locals: Filter that shows only the items that are available on the local Chromeleon workstation
All: Filter that shows all items available on the Chromeleon domain
Favorites: Filter that shows only commonly used items
Custom: Filter that shows items based on the user’s text input
For more information about the Chromeleon Console, refer to the Using the Chromeleon Console topic in the Chromeleon 7 Help.