Chromeleon is a chromatography data system that lets you control chromatography instruments as well as evaluate, process, report, and backup data.

Chromeleon software components
Administration ConsoleChromeleon ConsoleChromeleon 7 CDSChromeleon ClientServices ManagerInstrument Configuration ManagerLicense ManagerSchedulerLocal MachineDomain ResourcesOrganizational UnitsInstrument Controller ServiceOther Chromeleon servicesInstrumentsSharable InterfacesModulesChromeleon StudioInstrumentsDataeWorkflowsInjection ListInstrument MethodData ProcessingNon-Targeted MS ProcessingIntact Protein DeconvolutionReport DesignerElectronic ReportUV Spectral Library

Chromeleon has several software components (see Introduction to Chromeleon), which are defined as follows:

  • Administration Console: Central access point for the following administrative areas:
    • License Manager: Provides tools for managing the licenses for Chromeleon workstations and users.
    • Scheduler: Provides tools for scheduling data transfers.
    • User Database: Provides tools for managing system policies, users and roles, access privileges, and operational privileges.
    • Global Policies: Provides settings for global Chromeleon policies.
    • Domain Resources: Central repository that contains information about the available instruments and data vaults.
    • Local Machine: Provides tools for managing local Chromeleon 7 data vaults (create, mount and dismount) and Chromeleon 6 data sources (mount and dismount). Also lets you change the Chromeleon domain controller.
  • Chromeleon Client: Software that provides the user interface for all tasks that are related to instrument operation, data analysis, and data management.
  • Chromeleon Services Manager: Shows the status of the Chromeleon Instrument Controller service and provides a user interface to control this service. Also, displays the statuses of all other Chromeleon services.
  • Chromeleon Instrument Configuration Manager: Lets you configure the instruments that are connected to the Instrument Controller PC.