When you install, update, or uninstall Chromeleon or a third-party product (for example, Windows), it is useful to know whether any of the following Chromeleon actions are active:

  • Running queue(s)
  • Running Smart Startup/Smart Shutdown
  • Baseline monitoring

The Chromeleon Activity Check is a stand-alone command-line program which checks if Chromeleon related systems are ready for installation/update. You will find the program (ChromeleonActivityCheck.exe) on the installation medium in the Tools > Chromeleon Activity Check folder.


Chromeleon Activity Check requires Microsoft .NET 4.8 or higher. However, it does not require a Chromeleon license or a Chromeleon system login.

To start the activity check:


  1. On your installation medium, go to Tools > Chromeleon Activity Check.
  2. Copy the ChromeleonActivityCheck.exe file to a location of your choice.
  3. Open the Windows Command Prompt.
  4. Navigate to the location of the ChromeleonActivityCheck.exe file and run the program.
  5. The following exit codes can be returned:
  6. 0: indicates that all Chromeleon actions are inactive
  7. 1: indicates active Chromeleon actions

You can use the wait command w to specify a wait time (minutes) for the Chromeleon actions to become inactive. The program will check for active actions every 5 seconds until the wait time has elapsed. The program will exit as soon as the actions have become inactive or after the wait time has elapsed.

Example 1:

ChromeleonActivityCheck.exe /wait:5


ChromeleonActivityCheck.exe /w:5

The program will check the system status for active actions every 5 seconds over a wait time of 5 minutes.

Example 2:

ChromeleonActivityCheck.exe /w:-1

The program will check the system status for active actions every 5 seconds infinitely until the system becomes inactive.

Example 3:

You can create a text file, for example ParamList, which includes predefined options for the command.

ChromeleonActivityCheck.exe @ParamList

The program will read the options from the ParamList file. The content of the file may look like this: /w:5.