A response file can be used to customize unattended installations. More specifically, use the response file for the following:

  • Provide command-line properties/arguments in a structured manner.
  • Define which selectable components should be installed.

A response file is an XML document with up to three sections:

  • Properties: defines optional setup properties to be used
  • Components: defines the requested install states of the selectable components
  • Configuration Tasks: defines the requested run states of the system configuration tasks

Properties section

The table in section Command-line switches and properties lists the available properties.

Components section

The default installation behavior when installing Chromeleon is as follows:

  • Standard components are always installed.
  • Optional components must be expressly activated during installation. Otherwise, they will not be installed.

However, you can override the default installation behavior using the response file. This means that you can suppress or enforce installation of standard and optional components.

To always enforce installation of a component:


  1. Add the component to the response file.
  2. Set the following switch: RequestState=“Present”

To always suppress installation of a component:


  1. Add the component to the response file.
  2. Set the following switch: RequestState=“Absent”


For an up-to-date list of selectable components, run the setup with the /lc switch on the command prompt.

Configuration Tasks section

The tables in section System configuration tasks and parameters list the system configuration tasks within the response file.