The Chromeleon setup program (Install.exe) accepts command-line options and properties. These can be used to trigger an unattended installation and to fine-tune the installation and the configuration process.


Properties are defined via the command line using the following syntax:


The following table shows the available properties.




Specifies the installation folder.

The default installation folder (64-bit computers) is C:\Program Files (x86)\Thermo\Chromeleon\.


Specifies the backup location of the setup log files.

The default location is C:\ProgramData\Dionex\Chromeleon\SetupLogs.

Note: Using a different location will prevent the System Status Report tool from including the setup log files for troubleshooting.


The Chromeleon Setup will abort the installation if an active instrument queue is detected. Use this property to specify a wait time (minutes) for the instrument queue(s) to become idle.

Chromeleon will check for active queues every minute until the wait time has elapsed:

  • If there are still active queues, the installation will be aborted.
  • If no active queues can be detected, the installation will be continued.


Property names are case sensitive.


In addition to properties, the setup program (Install.exe) also accepts numerous “switches”.

The following table shows the available command-line switches.



/?, /HELP

Lists all switches supported by Chromeleon.

<no option>,



Installs or configures the product using the default settings.


Repairs the product (or installs if not installed).


Uninstalls the product.

/q, /quiet,

/s, /silent

Installs or configures the product in quiet mode without user interaction.


Prompts the user for restart if necessary (default, recommended).

When used with the /q or /s switch, the prompt will be suppressed, and the computer will be restarted automatically when needed.


Always restarts the computer after installation.


Does not restart after the installation is complete. This option is not recommended.



Ignores all blockers and forces setup to continue. Not recommended.

Blockers are circumstances that the setup considers critical and would therefore stop.

/l <path\file>, /log <path\file>

Logs the installation events to the specified file/location (default location is the %TEMP% folder.)

/c:<argument>, /config:<argument>

Determines the system configuration tasks.

/sc, /skipconfig

Skips the system configuration phase.

/sq, /skipiq

Skips the installation qualification phase.

/lc, /listcomponents

Lists all selectable components. The installation of these components can be enforced or suppressed using a response file.

/rf:<path\file>, /responsefile:<path\file>

Specifies the response file to be used.