The setup process itself checks for various conditions and provides useful hints and warnings for preventing installation issues. Always observe the instructions during setup. For example, the setup checks the following:
- Does the user who started the setup have local administrator privileges?
- Are the operating system requirements fulfilled?
Make sure that all requirements and Windows configuration steps described in chapters System requirements and compatibility and Configure Windows for Chromeleon 7 are fulfilled and performed.
To identify installation issues, check the installation qualification report for errors and warnings. For more information, see Installation Qualification. If you find errors, try to repair the installation as described in section Repair an installation.
You can re-run installation qualification at any time.
If you face installation problems, send the installation log files to Thermo Fisher Scientific for support:
- Setup logs are located in: C:\ProgramData\Dionex\Chromeleon\SetupLogs.
- Chromeleon logs are located in: C:\ProgramData\Dionex\Chromeleon\Log.
- Installation qualification reports are located in: C:\ProgramData\Dionex\Chromeleon\IQ.
Alternatively, you may access the installation qualification reports via the Start menu:
Start > All Programs > Thermo Chromeleon 7 > Station IQ > All IQ Reports.
Large log files (more than 25 MB) can be compressed (zipped).
You may also use the System Status Report to troubleshoot installation problems. The status report can be accessed via the Start menu:
Start > All Programs > Thermo Chromeleon 7 > System Status Report.
If you attempt to reinstall, modify or repair Chromeleon, this action may fail. A subfolder in the %temp% folder of the first installation may not have been removed and therefore interrupt the reinstallation, modification, or repair. To solve this problem, do the following:
- Reboot your computer.
- Delete the remaining folders in the %temp%.
- Restart the Chromeleon setup.