Chromeleon data vaults become inaccessible if you change the name or network path of a computer after the Chromeleon 7 installation is complete. Specify the computer name and path before you install Chromeleon 7.


Tasks described should be performed by qualified administrators only. Perform tasks at your own risk.

Cause for inaccessible data vaults

Any standard Chromeleon 7 data vault consist of two data parts:

  • Database, hosted by Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition
  • Files, located in the hidden administrative folder C:\ProgramData\Dionex\Chromeleon\DataVaults (default)

To connect to a local data vault and make it available, it must be mounted through the Data Vault Manager. Two standard data vaults are created upon installation of Chromeleon. However, additional data vaults can be created or connected (mounted) through the Data Vault Manager.

During the initial setup or any subsequent mount process, the connection parameters are written to the DataVaults.xml file. Among other data, the file includes the encrypted connection string which is required to connect the database part of the data vault. This hard-coded connection string includes the computer name.

If a computer is renamed, the connection string is not automatically updated, and Chromeleon is no longer able to access the data vaults.

To rename a computer with Chromeleon 7 installed


  1. Remove all sequences from local instrument queues, if the Chromeleon station is hosting instruments.
  2. Close the Chromeleon Console and all other open Chromeleon application windows.
  3. Stop all Chromeleon 7 services.
  4. TIP

    Stop the Chromeleon 7 Licensing Service first, as it stops several dependent services.

  5. Clean up Discovery and Discovery cache files.
  6. TIP

    Before clearing the Discovery cache files, create a backup of the Data and Cache folder.

  7. To create a backup and clear cache:
  8. Create a _Temp_to_delete folder in C:\ProgramData\Dionex\Chromeleon.
  9. Move all files with extension .dat from C:\ProgramData\Dionex\Chromeleon to the _Temp_to_delete folder.
  10. Copy the Cache folder from C:\ProgramData\Dionex\Chromeleon to the _Temp_to_delete folder.
  11. Delete every file in the Cache folder and from all subfolders in C:\ProgramData\Dionex\Chromeleon.
  12. NOTE

    Make sure you keep the subfolders.

  13. Navigate to C:\ProgramData\Dionex\Chromeleon\DataVaults and move DataVaults.xml to the _Temp_to_delete folder.
  14. Rename the computer.
  15. NOTE

    When the computer name is changed, Windows requires a restart of the machine. Save all work in progress and accept to restart.

  16. Run PostInstallation.exe with command line arguments.
  17. When running the PostInstallation.exe with command-line arguments, it is important to use the line separator symbol that matches the setting on your Windows operating system. To identify which separator symbol is set on your operating system (example applies to Windows 10):
  18. Click Windows > Control Panel >Region settings.
  19. Click Additional Settings.
  20. In the List separator, check for the separator symbol (in the example below it is ','). Make sure to use the same symbol to separate the configuration arguments.
  21. Open the command prompt and navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Thermo\Chromeleon\bin.
  22. Run the command PostInstallation.exe /c:CreateChromeleonLocal=FALSE,CreateXVault=FALSE.
  23. Mount local data vaults and configure the XVault as a controller vault.

Reconfigure the XVault as a controller vault


  1. Stop all Chromeleon 7 Services as specified previously.
  2. Start a text editor (for example, Notepad) as an administrator.
  3. Open the file C:\ProgramData\Dionex\Chromeleon\DataVaults\DataVaults.xml.
  4. The file shows the connection information for each locally mounted data vault in the following syntax:
  5. Go to the parameter section for the XVault (<name value="XVault">). The highlighted value <IsControllerVault value=”N”> specifies that the data vault is a standard data vault.
  6. Change the value to <IsControllerVault value=”Y”>. Make sure to do this only for the XVault.
  7. Save your changes and exit the text editor.
  8. Restart all Chromeleon 7 services.


Start the Chromeleon 7 Scheduler Service first, as it starts some services it is dependent on.