When User Mode is enabled, a logon is required to open Chromeleon. Additionally, you can configure which resources (such as data and instruments) certain users are allowed to work with (Access Groups), and what they are allowed to do (Roles).

Two basic steps are necessary to start working with User Mode:

  • Enable user mode
  • Configure user mode

To enable user mode:


  1. In the left pane of the Administration Console, select Organizational Units > Global Policies.
  2. In the right pane, in the list of policies, click User Mode.
  3. Select the Enable User mode checkbox.
  4. Click Save Policies to save the setting.
  5. In the confirmation dialog, enter the credentials of a Chromeleon user that has the privilege to Manage Global Policies. For the default credentials, see the subsequent note.
Enable User Mode
Enable User Mode


To configure user mode:


  1. In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand the User Database tree.
  2. Use the sub-categories to configure user management.


The default User Name and Password are cmadmin and admin, respectively.

  • Change the password, write it down and store it at a safe location.
  • Use this account for emergency situations, for example, when ordinary administrators forget their passwords or lock themselves out from certain areas.


To learn more about how to create user accounts and define access groups and roles, refer to Chromeleon 7 Help > Administering Chromeleon > User Management.

There is an example user database on the installation medium: \Contributed Content\User Management Templates\User Management.

The user database is an encrypted XML file (UserDb.EXML) and is stored in the following location:



You cannot change the location and file name of the encrypted XML file.