If you install Chromeleon 7 on a PC where Chromeleon 6 is already installed, your mounted Chromeleon 6 datasources automatically become available (read-only) in Chromeleon 7. For connecting other Chromeleon 6 datasources, follow the subsequent steps.
To mount a Chromeleon 6 datasource:
- Start the Data Vault Manager as described in section The Data Vault Manager.
- In the Data Vault Manager, click Chromeleon 6.
When you try to access a Chromeleon 6 datasource where access control is enabled, you have to provide a valid Chromeleon 6 user ID and password.
- Click Browse or Datasource manager in the dialog that opens.
- Follow the familiar Chromeleon 6 steps.
Chromeleon 7 utilizes the same registry keys for storing datasource connection data as Chromeleon 6 does.
For not common datasources:
Consequently, when Chromeleon 6 is installed on the same PC, changes in Chromeleon 7 and Chromeleon 6 mutually affect each other.
On 64-bit Windows systems, the 32-bit registry editor must be used.