With Chromeleon 7.3.2 a special SQL account for Chromeleon is created. This account is used for administrative tasks in the Data Vault Manager. If you want to do administrative tasks without using the Data Vault Manager, for example, directly in the database, only the user who installs Chromeleon will have the administrative rights to do so. If additional administrative SQL Server accounts are required, the user who installed Chromeleon must add them.


If you update Chromeleon from a previous version, note that Chromeleon does not remove existing administrative accounts. To increase security, remove these administrative accounts.


  1. Start the Data Vault Manager as described in section The Data Vault Manager.
  2. In the Data Vault Manager – Local Machine window, click Create.
  3. Select the Create standard data vault option.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Enter a name for the new data vault.
  6. Click Finish.


Thermo Fisher Scientific recommends keeping the default path.

  • It ensures automatic protection of the data vault through standard Windows user rights.
  • It allows easy backup of all your data from a single location. Refer to Chromeleon 7 Help > Administering Chromeleon > Backing Up Data.

If you create the data vault in a different location, such as on a different hard drive, take care of protecting the data vault by configuring Windows user rights:

  • Deny access for ordinary users.
  • Grant access for SQL Server and local system accounts.