After the USB software for the module has been installed (see Connect modules through USB), install and configure the module in Chromeleon:
- Start the Instrument Controller Service: Click or right-click the Chromeleon tray icon and select Start Chromeleon Instrument Controller or use the Services Manager.
- The Chromeleon tray icon
changes to indicate that the Instrument Controller Service is starting
- Wait until the Instrument Controller Service is running idle
If the Chromeleon tray icon is not visible on the taskbar, click Start > All Programs > Thermo Chromeleon 7 > Services Manager to open the Services Manager and click Start Instrument Controller.
- Start the Chromeleon Instrument Configuration Manager by choosing one of the following options:
- Right-click the Chromeleon tray icon and click Configure Instruments.
- -OR-
- In the Services Manager, click Configure Instruments.
No. Description No. Description 1
Add instrument
Add module
You can close the Services Manager window if it is open. If you close the window, the Instrument Controller Service is not stopped.
- You can click the plus sign next to the PC name to display the items underneath.
- Select the instrument to which the module is assigned or create a new instrument.
To create a new instrument:
- In the Edit menu, click Add instrument or click the corresponding icon in the toolbar.
To add a module:
- In the Edit menu, click Add Module or click the corresponding icon in the toolbar.
- In the Manufacturers list, click Thermo Scientific. In the Modules list, click the module.
- Chromeleon connects to the module, transfers the settings from the module to Chromeleon, and automatically sets the options in the configuration dialog pages accordingly.
- Confirm the message with OK.
Most modules are connected through a USB interface. The USB address is used by Chromeleon to detect a module. It typically contains the serial number of the module, allowing you to distinguish between modules when two or more identical modules are present (such as two pumps of the same model).
- Click Browse and double-click on the USB number. Only the USB addresses of corresponding modules are shown. For example, when adding a UV detector, only the address(es) of the UV detector(s) are shown.
- On each configuration page, verify that the settings are correct and define additional settings if needed. For assistance, click Help (or press F1).
- In the File menu, click Save Instrument Configuration.
- Close the Instrument Configuration Manager.