At the end of the installation process, Chromeleon automatically runs an Installation Qualification (IQ) and creates a report. You can view the report by clicking the Installation Qualification report link on the last page of the setup.
To read the report later, click Start > All Programs > Thermo Chromeleon 7 > Station IQ > Current IQ report. The report opens in your default web browser.
Installation qualification compares current information about the installed files against a reference list supplied by Thermo Fisher Scientific. If there are any differences, a warning, or an error message appears to indicate the following:
- Warning: A warning can indicate an obvious problem that can be easily corrected; for example, by providing a valid license key, installing more RAM on the PC, or starting Windows services. A warning can also indicate that a file does not have the expected timestamp or version. Usually, no action is required for minor file discrepancies. If a problem occurs nevertheless, try to repair the installation as described in Repair an installation. If the problem persists, follow the steps described in Troubleshoot the software installation.
- Error: A vital component is missing or corrupt. Try to repair the installation as described in Repair an installation. If the problem persists, follow the steps described in Troubleshoot the software installation.
After the initial installation of Chromeleon 7, the installation qualification report may contain a warning about a missing license. This is also the case if you click Skip in the license setup dialog during the software installation. Provide a valid license.
You can run the installation qualification at any time to check if your installation is intact. To start installation qualification, click Start > All Programs > Thermo Chromeleon 7 > Station IQ. For more information, press F1 in the Chromeleon IQ window.
You can easily access all installation qualification reports and the installation log files. Click Start > Thermo Chromeleon 7 > Station IQ > All IQ Reports. The physical location of the files: C:\ProgramData\Dionex\Chromeleon\IQ.