Do not connect new instruments/modules via USB to your PC until the Chromeleon software installation has finished and the Chromeleon Installation Qualification (IQ) has completed and passed.
Certain IT tools and anti-virus software may lock system files and therefore require rebooting after the setup. The installation of some of the third-party components (such as .NET Framework) usually requires a reboot.
Make sure all requirements from chapters System requirements and compatibility and Configure Windows for Chromeleon 7 are met.
- All applications are closed to ensure the setup can update relevant system files.
- Insert the installation medium into your PC.
- The AutoPlay window opens automatically. The AutoPlay window offers links for exploring the installation medium and for launching the Install program.
- Click Run Install.exe if optical media AutoPlay is off.
- If the Microsoft .NET framework is not yet present, the necessary files are installed before the actual Chromeleon installation starts. After installation of the .NET software, a reboot is required.
- If the respective .NET software is already present on the computer, the Chromeleon setup window is launched.
- After reviewing the license terms and conditions, select the checkbox next to I agree to the license terms and conditions.
- The Install and Advanced options buttons are enabled.
- Click Install to launch the Chromeleon default installation that includes all software components needed to control most of the Thermo Scientific instruments, to view Thermo Scientific mass spectrometry instrument methods, and to control third-party instruments.
- The Advanced options button allows you to install various optional software components.
When you click Install, a User Account Control (UAC) message displays. If you do not acknowledge it, the message time-outs after 2 minutes and you will be asked whether you want to cancel the setup. Click No to proceed with the installation. To avoid this, do not leave the installation unattended until the UAC prompt displays.
- You can install the optional software components any time later.
- Detailed information about installing and configuring Thermo Scientific mass spectrometry drivers is provided in the MS Software Installation Guide that is available on the Chromeleon installation medium.
- A dedicated license is required for the Chromeleon XPS application. For more information, refer to Chromeleon 7 Help and the Chromeleon XPS Help.
- Chromeleon 7 is installed in the following folder by default:
- C:\Program Files\Thermo\Chromeleon (32-bit)
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Thermo\Chromeleon (64-bit)
You can change the installation path under Advanced options. This option is only available for a pristine installation of Chromeleon. It is not available if you upgrade Chromeleon from 7.2 SR1 or later.
The location of any other third-party software package, for example, Microsoft SQL Server, cannot be changed.
- The setup program runs and installs the different software packages.
- Follow the on-screen instructions as they appear.
- The setup starts with installing the required third-party software components if they are not already present (Supported operating systems and Windows updates).
The installation of SQL Server Express and .NET libraries can take 5-20 minutes. The installation of Chromeleon files usually takes less than 5 minutes.
- Note that the installation of the USB instrument drivers’ package might trigger a Windows Security message depending on your operating system:
- To install the Chromeleon USB Driver package, select Always trust software from “Thermo Fisher Scientific” and click Install to continue.
During the installation process, the license setup window appears:
To add a license initialization code:
- Click Add…
- In the Manage Licenses dialog box, click Add.
- Enter the License Initialization Code.
- Select the Organizational Unit to which these licenses will be available.
- Licenses assigned to the <Global> organization unit are available to any user/station.
- Licenses assigned to a specific organizational unit (if defined) are only available to users/stations within that organizational unit
- Click Add.
- The license initialization code is added to Chromeleon, with the license status as ‘Pending Activation’.
- You can activate the license after adding the license initialization codes. For more information, refer to the Chromeleon 7 Installation Guide.
If you wish to add and activate the license later:
- Click Skip this step.
- You must provide a license code after the setup has finished, as described in the Chromeleon 7 Installation Guide, provided in the Documents folder of the Chromeleon installation media.
- An installation qualification report is created. To open the report, click the Installation Qualification report link:
Chromeleon allows you to add multiple license codes, one code per line. The newly added license codes are in a Pending activation or Subscription pending activation status unless they are evaluation codes, which will show Evaluation with an expiration date. These licenses do not require activation.
The Chromeleon Domain Controller option is for domain installations. Contact Thermo Fisher Scientific to learn more about the advantages of a networked Chromeleon installation may provide to your laboratory.