This guide provides information about the following topics:

  • Hardware and software requirements for installing Chromeleon 7.
  • Software and data compatibility with previous Chromeleon versions.
  • Installing/updating Chromeleon 7 main and service releases. For more information, see Install Chromeleon 7 – main and service release.
  • Installing/updating maintenance updates. For more information, see Install Chromeleon 7 – maintenance update.
  • Installing/updating third-party software components.
  • The basic configuration of Chromeleon 7 including basic instructions for installing instruments.
  • Configuring Microsoft™ Windows™ for use with Chromeleon 7.3.2.


To install multiple workstations that will be networked together, or to add a station to an existing networked installation, contact the Thermo Fisher Scientific Service for support.


Any instructions or figures in this documentation are referring to a Windows 11 setup.