This guide provides information about the following topics:

  • Hardware and software requirements for installing Chromeleon 7.
  • Installing and configuring Thermo Scientific mass spectrometry drivers.
  • Uninstalling Thermo Scientific MS software components.

The following installation scenarios are considered:

  • Workstation installation on a PC that has no MS Software installed.
  • Workstation installation on a PC with Thermo Scientificâ„¢ Xcaliburâ„¢ and, or Thermo Scientific TraceFinderâ„¢ software installed.
  • Client/server installations.

The intended audience includes both laboratory administrators and local IT professionals who have administrative privileges for the system.


To install multiple workstations that will be networked together, or to add a station to an existing networked installation, contact the Thermo Fisher Scientific Service for support.