To control the MS instrument with Chromeleon, the Chromeleon mass spectrometer driver must be added in the Instrument Configuration Manager. The following table shows the supported MS instruments and their corresponding Chromeleon drivers:

Chromeleon driver name

Controlled MS instrument



Vanquish ISQ Family

Vanquish ISQ EC/EM

Mass Spectrometer

All other MS instruments defined in the List of Supported Instruments

Legacy Mass Spectrometer

MSQ Plus

To configure a mass spectrometer:


  1. Create an instrument and add the appropriate mass spectrometer driver to the instrument.
  2. The Configuration dialog box for the mass spectrometer appears.
  3. TIP

    For information on how to create an instrument and add modules in Chromeleon, refer to the Chromeleon Instrument Configuration Manager Help, chapter Add, Configure, or Delete Instruments and Modules.

  4. Specify the settings for the MS system.


Chromeleon cannot control the MS system if it is configured under the Foundation Instrument Configuration and Chromeleon at the same time. Make sure the instrument is configured in one application only.


For detailed information on installing and configuring the mass spectrometry and legacy mass spectrometer drivers in Chromeleon, refer to the Chromeleon Instrument Configuration Manager Help.