Right-click the Intact Fragmentation Results table on the Process and Review page to open a shortcut menu with the commands listed in the following table.

Intact Fragmentation Results table shortcut menu



Export All

Exports all data in the Intact Fragmentation Results table to a Microsoft™ Excel™ workbook (.xlsx).

All Levels

Exports the results at all levels in the table.

Proteoform Level Only

Exports only the results at the top (proteoform) level.

Right-click the Intact Deconvolution Results table on the Process and Review page to open a shortcut menu with the commands listed in the following table.

Intact Deconvolution Results table shortcut menu



Set As Reference Component

Sets the mass of the selected component in the Intact Deconvolution Results table as the reference mass.

See Change the reference mass.

Export All

Exports all data in the Intact Deconvolution Results table to a Microsoft™ Excel™ workbook (.xlsx).

Export Checked

Exports only the selected data in the Intact Deconvolution Results table to a Microsoft™ Excel™ workbook (.xlsx).

Export Json

Exports all results in the Intact Deconvolution Results table to a text-based JavaScript file for data interchange.

Peak and Component Levels Only

Exports only the peak information and the component-level results in the table.

The exported data does not include the results at the raw data file and charge state levels.

All Levels

Exports the peak information and results at all levels in the table.