The user guides for BioPharma Finder are updated periodically. Use the following instructions to update them during your installation.


  1. Before updating, you must have a Thermo Scientific Software Download and Licensing Portal account and have installed the BioPharma Finder 5.2 software.


  1. Close the BioPharma Finder application if it is currently open.
  2. Go to and log in to your account.
  3. Select the Application - BioPharma Finder link from the list at the bottom of the page.
  4. In the New Version table, select on the newest version of the BioPharma Finder documentation listed in the table.
  5. On the Product Download page, locate the appropriate documentation folder from the file list and select the corresponding checkbox.
  6. Select Download Selected Files to download the documentation zip folder to your local computer.
  7. Unzip the contents of the zipped folder.
  8. Copy the user guide files and paste them in the C:\Program Files\Thermo\BioPharma Finder\manuals folder.
  9. Open the BioPharma Finder application and select Help > Manual to view the updated documentation.