The Results tables on the Process and Review page display information about the components identified in your intact mass analysis experiment, including identifications, modifications, sequence information, retention times, and more. Selecting a component row in a Results table populates the other panes on the Process and Review page with information related to the selected component.


  1. Open the results of your experiment from the Queue page or from the Load Results page.
  2. See Open results.
  3. The Process and Review page opens by default and displays the results of your top down analysis experiment in one or both of the following Results tables, depending on the experiment parameters:
  4. Intact Fragmentation Results: Displays the deconvolution results of the MS2 spectra in the experiment.
  5. image/svg+xml Peaklevel Proteoformlevel Raw datafile level
    Intact Fragmentation Results table on the Process and Review page
  6. See Intact Fragmentation Results table parameters.
  7. The Intact Fragmentation Results table is organized by peaks at the upper level, followed by proteoforms at the next level, and then by raw data files (for multiconsensus experiments) at the lowest level.
  8. Intact Deconvolution Results: Displays the peak-specific deconvolution results of the full-scan MS spectra in the experiment.
  9. The Intact Deconvolution Results table is accessible only if you select the Intact Deconvolution checkbox for at least one peak either the Peak Selection area of the Parameters > Component Detection page for the processing method and/or the Process and Review > Real Time Optimization pane for real-time optimization.
  10. image/svg+xml Peak selection level ComponentLevel Raw datafile level Charge state level
    Intact Deconvolution Results table on the Process and Review page
  11. See Intact Deconvolution Results table parameters.
  12. Each peak-specific Intact Deconvolution Results table is organized by components at the upper level, followed by raw data files (for multiconsensus experiments) at the next level, and then by charge states at the lowest level.
  13. You must select a peak from the Peak Selection list in the table title bar to display the results specific to the selected peak.
  14. NOTE

    The columns and levels in the Intact Fragmentation and Intact Deconvolution Results tables vary depending on the selected results format (Batch Processing or Multiconsensus), deconvolution algorithm (ReSpect or Xtract), and other processing method parameters.

  15. In the Results pane, select the tab for the Results table you want to view.
  16. By default, the table displays results at the top level (peaks or component).
  17. Select a row in the table to populate the other panes in on the Process and Review page with information related to the selected peak or component.
  18. Select the plus icon (+) in the left margin of a row to display the lower levels of information for the selected peak or component.
  19. You can change the reference mass used in the Intact Deconvolution Results table as necessary.
  20. Change the reference mass.
  21. You can export the Results tables as a Microsoft™ Excel™ workbook (.xlsx) (Intact Deconvolution and Intact Fragmentation) or a Json file (Intact Deconvolution only).
  22. See Export the Results tables.
  23. TIP

    On the Process and Review page, you can use real-time optimization to quickly change processing method parameters and update the data in the Results tables.

    In the intact mass analysis workflow, you cannot use RTO to reprocess results for an auto peak detection experiment.

    You can only use the RTO feature for average over selected retention time and sliding windows experiments.