The following table describes the columns in the Results table of the Theoretical Protein/Peptide Manager page.

Results table parameters



Sequence level


Select to show or hide the lower level of precursor information related to the current sequence row.

(Check box)

Select this checkbox to delete or export only the selected rows in the table.


Displays the chain identifier for the peptide sequence.


Displays the amino acid letters and modifications in the peptide sequence.

The modifications are surrounded by brackets ("[ ]") and appear to the right of the affected amino acid letter. If there are multiple modifications for one letter, the N-terminal or C-terminal modification appears first, followed by the side chain modification.

Peptide Mass

Displays the mass of the peptide.


Displays the modifications applied to the peptide.

If there is no modification, this cell is empty.

Start Position

Displays the start position of the peptide in the protein sequence where digestion is performed.

If you select the Create a Copy checkbox to create a copy of the peptide, the application copies the start position from the original unmodified peptide to display here.

End Position

Displays the end position of the peptide in the protein sequence where digestion is performed.

If you select the Create a Copy checkbox to create a copy of the peptide, the application copies the end position from the original unmodified peptide to display here.

Precursor level


Select to show or hide the lower level of isotope information related to the current precursor row.

Precursor Charge State

Displays the charge state number for the precursor.

The table displays only the charge states within the range specified in the Charge State Range boxes.

Precursor m/z

Displays the precursor mass-to-charge ratio.

The table displays only the m/z values within the range specified in the m/z Range boxes.

Isotope level Note: The maximum number of isotopes is from the Number of Isotopes parameter setting.

Target m/z

Displays the target mass-to-charge ratio of an isotope.


Displays the isotope type.