The following table describes the parameters of the Variable Modifications for Intact and Peptide Analysis pane in the Protein Sequence Editor.

Variable Modifications for Intact and Peptide Analysis pane parameters



Max # Modifications

Displays the maximum number of variable modifications that you want to assign to the target protein sequence.

Intact Protein

Displays the maximum number of variable modifications for Intact Mass Analysis.

Peptide Mapping

Displays the maximum number of variable modifications for Peptide Mapping Analysis.


Specifies the type of glycosylation assigned to the target protein sequence.

N, O Glycan

Lists the types of glycosylations that you can apply to the N-linked and O-linked glycans.

The application supports O-glycans only for Peptide Mapping Analysis.


Lists the modifications available to apply to an N terminus, C terminus, or side chain.

N Terminal

Displays information about the N-terminal modification that you selected from the list.


Mono. Mass

Displays the monoisotopic mass of the selected N-terminal modification.

Avg. Mass

Displays the average mass of the selected N-terminal modification.



Adds the selected modification to the Modifications Selected for Search list.


Removes the selected modification from the Modifications Selected for Search list.

Load Default Mods

Quickly loads the sublist of default modifications into the Modifications Selected for Search list.

C Terminal

Displays information about the C-terminal modification that you selected from the list.


Mono. Mass

Displays the monoisotopic mass of the selected C-terminal modification.

Avg. Mass

Displays the average mass of the selected C-terminal modification.



Adds the selected modification to the Modifications Selected for Search list.


Removes the selected modification from the Modifications Selected for Search list.

Load Default Mods

Quickly loads the sublist of default modifications into the Modifications Selected for Search list.

Side Chain

Displays information about the side chain modification that you selected from the list.


Mono. Mass

Displays the monoisotopic mass of the selected side chain modification.

Avg. Mass

Displays the average mass of the selected side chain modification.


Displays the amino acid residue for the selected modification.



Adds the selected modification to the Modifications Selected for Search list.


Removes the selected modification from the Modifications Selected for Search list.

Load Default Mods

Quickly loads the sublist of default modifications into the Modifications Selected for Search list.