Use the Sequence Manager to open one of the sequence editors or to import, export, or delete sequences.

To open the Sequence Manager page, select Sequence Manager on the BioPharma Finder home page.

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Opens a file browser for selecting a BioPharma Finder sequence to import.


Exports the selected sequences as BioPharma Finder sequence files.


Opens the Protein Sequence Editor to add a new protein.


Opens the Oligonucleotide Sequence Editor to add a new oligonucleotide.


Opens the appropriate editor for the selected sequence.


Deletes the selected sequences.

Tasks that you can perform from the Sequence Manager

To do this

Do the following...

Import a BioPharma Finder sequence

Select Import Sequence at the upper right of the page, and then browse to the folder where you store BioPharma Finder sequence files, select the file, and select Open. Then, at the prompt, select OK.

The sequence files have a ".sequencebpf" extension. Other file types are not visible from the sequence browser dialog box.

Delete sequences from the Sequence Manager

  1. In the sequence table, select one or more sequence rows.
  2. Select Delete or press the DELETE key.
  3. In the confirmation box, select Yes.

The application removes the selected sequences from the table.

Edit an existing sequence in the Sequence Editor

  1. In the sequence table, select the sequence that you want to edit.
  2. Select Edit.

The Sequence Editor opens with editable information about the selected sequence.

Open the Sequence Editor to create a new sequence

Select New Protein or New Oligonucleotide to the right of the sequence table.

The Sequence Editor opens.

Export BioPharma Finder sequences

  1. For each sequence that you want to export, select the checkbox to the left of the Name column. Or, to select all the sequences in the table, select the checkbox to the left of the Name heading.
  2. Select Export Sequence.
  3. For a single sequence, browse to the folder where you want to store the file, and then select Save. For multiple sequences, select the folder or create a new folder, and then select OK.
  4. At the successful export prompt, select OK.