To sort the rows based on the contents of a column, select the column header to sort the rows in alphabetical or numerical order, based on the contents in that column. Select again to reverse the sort order. For example, when you select the Delta (ppm) column header, the application displays the numbers in this column in order from lowest to highest values. Select the column header again to display the numbers from highest to lowest values.
The sequential number column (first column) in the results table is not sortable.
If you sort a column that contains checkboxes, the application groups all cleared checkboxes together at the top. Select again to display all selected checkboxes at the top.
You can sort based on a maximum of two columns at a time. Select the first column header. The application sorts the table based on this header and this is the primary sorting order. Then, hold down the CTRL key before selecting the second column header. If there are some identical values in the first column, the application re-sorts their rows based on the order of the values in the second column.
In the Results table on the Process and Review page:
- The application does not sort the peptide or oligonucleotide sequences in the Identification column alphabetically by the order of the characters in the sequence string. It starts sorting based on the protein number before the colon character (for example, "1:" before "2:").
- Next, the application orders the identified sequences by the N-(or 3'-)terminal position and then by the C-(or 5'-)terminal position.
- Before sorting based on the Identification column, first filter the table using the "Equals" operator and the "NonBlanks" operand for this column. This steps removes all of the unidentified components from the table.