
  1. On the BioPharma Finder home page, select the Peptide Mapping Analysis, Oligonucleotide Analysis, Intact Mass Analysis, or Top Down Analysis workflow link in the Experiment Types pane or below the splash graphic.
  2. The corresponding workflow page opens.
  3. The application automatically displays the available default methods and their descriptions in the Processing Method table. Additionally, if you create and save any custom methods, the application displays them here as well.
  4. In the Processing Method table, select the checkbox for the processing method you want to use for your experiment.
  5. You can select only one method for an experiment.
  6. You cannot edit the information in the Processing Method table. However, you can select the column headers to sort the order of the displayed data and filter the rows by using the filter options in the column headers.
Processing Method table on the Peptide Mapping Analysis page
Processing Method table on the Peptide Mapping Analysis page
Processing Method table on the Intact Mass Analysis page
Processing Method table on the Intact Mass Analysis page