On the Load Results page, you can manage the folders and experiment results in the Working List.

Create a new folder in the Working List


  1. In the Working List, select the Home folder, and then select Add.
  2. You can create a new folder only under the Home folder of the Working List. You cannot create a folder in the Master List.
  3. In the Add New Folder dialog box, type the folder name, and then select Add.
  4. A new folder appears under the Home folder in the Working List.
  5. To create a subfolder, select the folder to which you want to add a subfolder and then select Add.
  6. In the Add New Folder dialog box, type the folder name, and then select Add.
  7. A new subfolder appears under the folder.
  8. Each folder can contain a subfolder, and each subfolder, in turn, can contain more subfolders, and so on.

Rename a folder in the Working List


  1. In the Working List, select the folder you want to rename and then select Edit in the Experiment Manager pane.
  2. To navigate through the folder structure, select the arrow next to a folder.
  3. You can rename only user-created folders.
  4. In the dialog box, type the new name for the folder, then select Edit again.
  5. The new name is applied to the folder.

Delete a folder from the Working List


  1. In the Working List, select the folder you want to delete and then select Delete in the Experiment Manager pane.
  2. To navigate through the folder structure, select the arrow next to a folder.
  3. In the Delete Selected Folder dialog box, do one of the following:
  4. Select Delete Folder.
  5. The application deletes the folder and moves its experiment result content (if any) to the Working List.
  6. Select Delete Folder and Results from Master List.
  7. The application deletes both the folder and its experiment result content from the Master List.

Add an experiment result to a folder in the Working List


  1. In the Working List, select the rows of the experiment result you want to add to a folder.
  2. Use the CTRL key to select multiple results simultaneously.
  3. Drag and drop the experiment results to the destination folder of interest.
  4. The experiment results appear in the folder and disappears from the Working List.

Move an experiment result to a different folder in the Working List


  1. In the Working List, select the checkboxes for the experiment results you want to move.
  2. Select Delete in the Experiment Manager pane.
  3. In the Delete Selected Results from Folder dialog box, select Delete Results from Folder.
  4. The application deletes the experiment result from the folder and moves it back to the Working List.
  5. Follow the instructions above to add the experiment result to a different folder in the Working List.
  6. The experiment result appears in the new folder and disappears from the Working List.

Delete an experiment result in the Working List


  1. In the Working List, select the checkboxes for the experiment results you want to delete.
  2. Select Delete in the Experiment Manager pane.
  3. In the Delete Selected Results from Folder dialog box, do one of the following:
  4. Select Delete Results from Folder.
  5. The application deletes the experiment result(s) from the folder and moves it back to the Working List.
  6. Select Delete Results from Folder from Master List.
  7. The application deletes the experiment result(s) from both the folder and Master List.
  8. NOTE

    The action permanently deletes the selected results from the BioPharma Finder database. If the selected experiments still exist in the run queue on the Queue page, the application removes them from the queue as well.