
  1. On the BioPharma Finder home page, select the Oligonucleotide Analysis workflow link in the Experiment Types pane or below the splash graphic.
  2. The Oligonucleotide Analysis page opens.
  3. Select the Calculator and Workbook tab on the navigation bar.
  4. If necessary, select the Workbook Manager subtab.
  5. The Workbook Manager page opens, showing the saved workbooks in a table.
  6. To delete one or more workbooks, select their rows (not checkboxes) in the table and then select Delete or press the DELETE key.
  7. The application deletes the selected workbooks from the Workbook Manager.
  8. NOTE

    If you select one or more workbooks that are open on the Workbook Editor page, the application asks you whether you want to close the open workbooks and delete them or cancel.

    The application automatically deletes all of the other selected workbooks that are not open in the Workbook Editor.