Right-clicking the Chromatogram pane on the Coverage page opens a shortcut menu with the commands listed in the following table.

Coverage Chromatogram pane shortcut menu



Shading Parameters

Opens a dialog box in which you can modify the chromatogram parameters, such as threshold, identification types, and shading colors.

Reset Scale

Restores the original scale to the Coverage Chromatogram pane.


Copies the image in the pane to the clipboard as currently displayed (including labeling and shading).


Labels the peaks in the chromatograms with retention time, nucleotide identification, or alias name.

If an oligonucleotide is modified, an asterisk symbol (*) appears at the end of the oligonucleotide identification label.

Alias name labels are available only when you enable the Customize Results subpage of the Parameters page and enter a custom chain alias root into the Theoretical Digestion and Alias Naming table. See Edit the Customize Results page.

You can edit the entries in the Alias Name column of the Results table on the Process and Review page, by placing your cursor in the Alias Name box for the currently selected component row and typing a new alias name. To update the labels to reflect the changes you made in the Alias Name column, select the Refresh Alias button at the top of the Chromatogram pane.