You can export the information at all levels in the Coverage Results table as a Microsoft™ Excel™ worksheet (.xlsx).


  1. You have loaded the experiment results are viewing the Coverage page under the Mapping tab.


  1. On the Coverage page, right-click anywhere in the Coverage Results table and select Export in the shortcut menu.
  2. The Save As dialog box opens.
  3. Browse to the file location where you want to save your results and type a file name.
  4. By default, the application navigates to the folder containing the raw data files for the experiment.
  5. By default, the file name is the same name as the experiment.
  6. Select Save.
  7. The application saves the results as a Microsoft™ Excel™ worksheet (.xlsx).
  8. The file contains the results at both the oligonucleotide and raw data file levels (if applicable) for all oligonucleotides listed in the Results table.