Use the Peak Detection area of the Component Detection page to define the Absolute MS Signal Threshold value. This parameter is read-only, but changes when you adjust the MS Noise Level value, the S/N Threshold value, or both. For more information on these parameters, see Component Detection page layout and parameters.
- For an oligonucleotide analysis experiment, you entered an experiment name, loaded the raw data files and entered the conditions (if applicable), and selected an oligonucleotide sequence on the Oligonucleotide Analysis page. You are editing Component Detection page using the processing method editing wizard.
- On the right side of the Component Detection page, you can visualize the Absolute MS Signal Threshold displayed in the base peak chromatogram (BPC). If necessary, you can zoom in on the BPC to see the threshold more clearly.
- As the value of Absolute MS Signal Threshold changes, the red line on the BPC on the right side of the page moves to reflect this change.
- If your experiment contains multiple raw data files, the application displays the BPC for the first raw data file.
- The following figure shows the Absolute MS Signal Threshold in the BPC.
- To magnify the data in a specific retention time range along the x axis, drag the mouse horizontally along the bottom of the chromatogram from the lowest retention time of interest to the highest.
- The following figure shows the magnified area between retention times 10 and 15 min in the BPC.
- To magnify the data in a specific relative intensity range along the y axis, drag the mouse vertically along the left side of the chromatogram from the lowest intensity of interest to the highest.
- The following figure shows the magnified area between the relative intensities of 0 and 15 in the BPC.
- To return the BPC to its original scale, right-click and select Reset Scale.