You can export the data in the Components table as a Microsoft™ Excel™ worksheet (.xlsx).


  1. You have loaded the experiment results are viewing the Modification Summary page under the Mapping tab.


  1. On the Modification Summary page, select a modification row in the lower section of the Modification Results table to select the modification.
  2. The Components table updates and displays the components associated with the selected modification in bolded blue.
  3. Right-click anywhere in the Components table and select one of the following on the shortcut menu:
  4. Export All Components
  5. Export Checked Components
  6. To select specific components, select the checkbox for a component row in Components table.
  7. To select or deselect all of the component rows, select or clear the checkbox in the table header row.
  8. When you hover your mouse over one of the commands above, a secondary set of options appears. Select one of the following:
  9. As Displayed to export data to a Microsoft™ Excel™ worksheet (.xlsx) exactly as currently displayed in the table.
  10. Excel Workbook to export data at all levels for all components to a Microsoft™ Excel™ worksheet (.xlsx).
  11. The Save As dialog box opens.
  12. Browse to the file location where you want to save your results and type a file name.
  13. Select Save.
  14. The application saves the selected results at both the oligonucleotide and raw data file levels as a Microsoft™ Excel™ worksheet.
  15. The exported data reflects the filtering, sorting, and reordering of columns of the Components table only for the As Displayed option. Otherwise, the Components table components are reset to their default (sequential) ordering when exported. The application exports the table rows based on the sequential order of the numbers in the No. column.