The following table describes the types of information in the upper section of the Modification Results table on the Modification Summary page.

Modification Results table, upper section parameters




Displays the date when the application created the Modification Summary and the name of the user who created the summary.

Data Folder

Displays the folder containing the raw data files used in the experiment.

Oligonucleotide Minimum Intensity (%)

Displays the threshold value for the minimum nucleotide peak intensity (as a percentage of the most abundant oligonucleotide signal) that the application reports in the Modification Summary.

Charge State Minimum Intensity (%)

Displays the threshold value for the minimum charge state peak intensity (as a percentage of the most abundant charge state signal) that the application reports in the Modification Summary.

Minimum Modification Level (%)

Displays the threshold value for the minimum modification level (as a percentage of the total number of components in the experiment sample) that the application reports in the Modification Summary.

Raw File Name

Displays information imported from the raw data file.

  • SampleName: Displays the information saved in the Sample Name field in the raw data file.
  • RawFileComment: Displays the information saved as a comment in the raw data file.
  • RelativeLoad: Displays a measure of the nucleotide quantification.

The names of the raw data files used in the experiment appear in the columns to the right of the Raw File Name column, for example, Control_A01, Sample_B02, and Sample C_01.