On the Coverage page, the Coverage chromatogram pane displays a color-coded base peak chromatogram (BPC) depicting the oligonucleotide coverage results for the experiment.
- You have loaded the experiment results are viewing the Coverage page under the Mapping tab.
- In the Coverage Results table, select the row of a oligonucleotide, raw data file, or component.
Use the CTRL key to select the rows for multiple oligonucleotides in the experiment simultaneously.
- If you select a row at the oligonucleotide (top) level, the Coverage chromatogram displays the oligonucleotide coverage results from the first (or only) raw data file in the experiment.
- (For experiments with multiple raw data files) If you select a row at the raw data file (second) level, the Coverage chromatogram displays the oligonucleotide coverage results from the specified raw data file in the experiment.
- If you select a row at the component (third) level, the Coverage chromatogram also displays the oligonucleotide coverage results for the associated raw data file (see above) but displays the selected ion chromatogram (SIC) for the selected component below the BPC.
- The Coverage chromatogram updates, displaying the color-coded identified and unidentified nucleotides in the experiment. To change the color-coded shading options in the chromatogram, see Modify the shading parameters.
Chromatogram pane zoomed in showing color-coded oligonucleotide coverage - In the Coverage chromatogram, the x axis represents the retention time range and the y axis indicates the relative intensity. Peaks are labeled with their individual retention times (by default).
- Each oligonucleotide row selected in the Coverage Results table corresponds to one shading color on the chromatogram. The shading is semi-transparent so that you can view co-eluting peaks on top of each other.
- The height of the shaded block indicates the relative intensity (peak height) of a component. You can view this height value in the MS Height column at the component level in the Coverage Results table.
- If some component peaks are not identified, the application groups them together as the "Unidentified" oligonucleotide type.
- For information regarding the commands available in the Coverage Chromatogram pane, see Coverage Chromatogram pane commands.