In addition to the Process and Review page, you can view the results of your oligonucleotide analysis experiment on the Coverage page. The Coverage page provides detailed information regarding the coverage of the identified and unidentified nucleotides in the experiment.


  1. Open the results of your experiment from the Queue page or from the Load Results page.
  2. See Open results.
  3. The Process and Review page opens by default.
  4. In the navigation bar, select the Mapping tab.
  5. By default, the application opens the Coverage page under the Mapping tab, which displays the color-coded chromatogram in the Chromatogram pane, the Oligonucleotide Sequence Coverage Map in the Protein Coverage Map pane, and the Results table, all denoting the identified and unidentified nucleotides in the experiment.
  6. In addition to the Coverage page, the Mapping tab also contains the Modification Summary page.
  7. Coverage page showing the color-coded oligonucleotides
    Coverage page showing the color-coded oligonucleotides