The Full Scan Spectra pane displays the noise-reduced deconvoluted and full-scan spectrum for each component in your analysis.
- Open the results of your experiment from the Queue page or from the Load Results page.
- See Open results.
- The Process and Review page opens by default and displays the results of your oligonucleotide analysis experiment, including the deconvoluted and full-scan spectra..
- On the left side of the Process and Review page, select the Full Scan Spectra tab.
- The Full Scan Spectra pane displays the noise-reduced deconvoluted spectrum stacked above the full-scan spectrum.
- In the deconvoluted spectral plot, the x axis represents the mass. Above the plot, the exact retention time (RT) value is listed at the end of the file information.
- In the full-scan spectral plot, the x axis represents the mass-to-charge ratio (m/z). The full-scan plot also shows the charge states of the identified ions, labeled in red. Above the plot, the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) is listed at the end of the file information.
- In both plots, the y axis indicates the relative abundance.
- Both plots label the centroid peaks with their individual mass or m/z values, with four decimal digits for high-resolution data and two decimal digits for low-resolution data.
- For more information on the commands available in the Full Scan Spectra pane, see Full Scan Spectra pane commands.
- Do one of the following:
- Select the row of a component in the Results table.
- The available spectral plots in the Full Scan Spectra pane display data from the reference raw data file.
- By default, the application considers the first raw data file in an experiment as the reference file.
- For an experiment with multiple raw data files, expand (+/− icon) a component row in the Results table and select the row for a single raw data file.
- The available spectral plots in the Full Scan Spectra pane display data from the selected raw data file.
- Select a scan (specific retention time (RT) point) on the base peak chromatogram (BPC) in the Chromatogram pane.
- The available spectral plots in the Full Scan Spectra pane display data from the selected scan.