The Oligo Sequence pane displays all of the oligonucleotide chains in your analysis. When you select an identified component in the Results table, the corresponding nucleotide sequence for the component is highlighted in yellow in the Oligo Sequence pane.


  1. Open the results of your experiment from the Queue page or from the Load Results page.
  2. See Open results.
  3. The Process and Review page opens by default and displays the results of your oligonucleotide analysis experiment.
  4. On the left side of the Process and Review page, select the Oligo Sequence tab.
  5. Do one of the following:
  6. Select the row of an identified component in the Results table.
  7. For an experiment with multiple raw data files, expand (+/− icon) a component row in the Results table and select the row for a single raw data file.
  8. The nucleotide sequence corresponding to the component selected in the Results table appears highlighted in yellow in the Oligo Sequence pane.
Oligonucleotide Sequence pane with the selected identified oligonucleotide sequence highlighted in yellow
Oligonucleotide Sequence pane with the selected identified oligonucleotide sequence highlighted in yellow

The Oligo Sequence pane displays the following:

  • All of the chains in the oligonucleotide sequence, including the comment lines from the FASTA file that begin with the greater-than sign (>) to distinguish each chain.
  • The position labels, in groups of ten, displayed above the last nucleotide in each group.