The Oligo Sequence Coverage pane on the Process and Review page displays the Fragment Coverage Map which contains color-coded oligo fragment information. The Fragment Coverage Map is only available for identified components with associated MS2 data.
- Open the results of your experiment from the Queue page or from the Load Results page.
- See Open results.
- The Process and Review page opens by default and displays the results of your oligonucleotide analysis experiment, including the Fragment Coverage Map.
- On the left side of the Process and Review page, select the Oligo Sequence Coverage tab.
- Do one of the following:
- Select the row of an identified component with an MS2 spectrum in the Results table.
- The Fragment Coverage Map in the Oligo Sequence Coverage pane shows the fragment coverage information stored in the reference raw data file.
- By default, the application considers the first raw data file in an experiment as the reference raw data file.
- For an experiment with multiple raw data files, expand (+/− icon) a component row in the Results table and select the row for a single raw data file.
- The Fragment Coverage Map in the Oligo Sequence Coverage pane shows the fragment coverage information predicted from the MS2 data in the selected raw data file.
- The Fragment Coverage Map color-codes the ions according to ion intensity and provides the color key below the graphic.
- For components without significant b/y or c/z fragment ions, the color key for each color displays "ND" (not detectable).
The Fragment Coverage Map in the Oligo Sequence Coverage pane displays the following:
- Oligonucleotide sequence with its corresponding modifications and charge state.
- Average structural resolution (in number of residues) with a value of 1.0 indicating the highest resolution.
- Oligonucleotide sequence showing the numbered nucleotide sequence and the identified fragments.
- The map labels the fragment ions with b and c ions on top andy and z ions on bottom.
- The first position on the map is the 5'-terminal and the last position is the 3'-terminal of the oligonucleotide
- Sequence graphic showing the identified fragment ions using a color code for ion intensity (red, yellow, green, cyan, and blue), with red as most intense and blue as the least intense.
- The sequence graphic shows the oligonucleotide sequence and lists the identified fragment ions.
- Each fragment ion displays the ion type assignment and, in some cases, its charge state and/or mass-to-charge ratio; for example: y15[5−](906.1).
If your oligonucleotide is very large, the standard copy and paste functions in the Oligo Sequence Coverage pane may not capture the Fragment Coverage Map appropriately.
Instead, use a screen capture application to capture the Fragment Coverage Map and paste the screen capture into a third-party application.