The BioPharma Finder application displays the results of a completed oligonucleotide analysis experiment on the Process and Review page in the Results table, organized by components at the upper level and by raw data files at the lower level. You can export the data in the Results table as a Microsoft™ Excel™ workbook (.xlsx), text file (.csv), or BioPharma Finder results file (.bpf).
In addition to the Process and Review page Results table, the application displays the experiment results in several other formats, including chromatograms, trend ratio and trend MS area plots, fragment coverage and oligonucleotide sequence maps, and full-scan MS and MS2 spectra, including predicted kinetic MS2 spectra. You can view MS2 spectra for each fragmentation type and resolution combination. Furthermore, the Coverage page displays the identified and unidentified components in the analysis and the Modification Summary page shows the recovery status and abundance of all detected modifications.
For oligonucleotide analysis experiments, the application generates a base peak chromatogram (BPC) plot, which shows only the most intense peak at every point in time each spectrum over time, and a selected ion chromatogram (SIC) plot, which plots the intensity of the signal observed at a chosen mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) over time. The BPC uses color-coded shading to display identified and unidentified oligonucleotides in the chromatogram.