The Sample Information section of a report, shown in the following figure, displays information about the sample for which the spectrum was obtained.

Sample Information section
Sample Information section

The following table lists the parameters in the Sample Information section. All the parameters in this section are read-only.

Sample Information section parameters



Raw File Name

Displays the name of the original raw data file. If you rename the raw data file, the original name of the raw data file still appears on the report.

Instrument Method

Displays the name of the instrument method file.


Displays the position number of the sample in the auto-sampler.

Injection Volume (µL)

Displays the injection volume (in µL) of the sample to be injected.

Sample Weight

Displays the amount of a component in the sample.

Sample Volume (µL)

Displays the volume (in µL) of a component in the sample.

ISTD Amount

Specifies the correction for the internal standard (ITSD) amount (if any).

If the value in this box is not 0.000, the application uses the value displayed to correct experiment calculations that are based on internal standard concentrations in the samples.

This parameter is only applied for cases in which the internal standard amounts specified in the active instrument method are correct, but the actual amount of internal standard actually in one or more of the samples is different than the amount specified in the instrument method.

This correction eliminates the necessity of remaking any samples to the internal standard concentrations or amounts specified in the instrument method and rerunning the samples.

Dil Factor

Specifies the dilution (dil) factor that was used to prepare the sample.