The following table describes the types of information on the Process and Review page.
Parameter | Description |
Results table | At the upper level, displays the components detected during the deconvolution and their masses, intensities, along with their quality scores. At the lower levels, the table displays the raw data file (for Multiconsensus result format only) and charge state information. |
Chromatogram pane | Displays the chromatogram from each raw data file loaded for the experiment. |
Relative Intensity (y axis) | Displays the ratio of the intensity of a specific peak to the intensity of the peak with the highest intensity. |
RT (min) (x axis) | Displays the retention time (RT) of the spectrum, which is the time after injection at which a compound elutes. Retention time can also refer to the total time that the compound is retained on the chromatographic column. |
Deconvoluted Spectrum pane | Displays each deconvoluted spectrum that results from applying the Xtract/ReSpect algorithm. |
Relative Intensity (y axis) | Displays the ratio of the intensity of a specific peak to the intensity of the peak with the highest intensity. |
Mass (x axis) | Displays the mass of the ions formed from molecules. |
Source Spectrum pane | Displays each source spectrum before deconvolution. For an average over selected retention time deconvolution, you can use the Chromatogram pane to select the source spectra. |
Relative Intensity (y axis) | Displays the ratio of the intensity of a specific peak to the intensity of the peak with the highest intensity. |
m/z (x axis) | Displays the mass-to-charge ratio of ions formed from molecules. |
Matched Sequence pane | Displays the matched component, its drug load value, and the matched target sequence information. You can specify a different drug load or select a different identification in this pane to update the values in the Results table . |
Average DAR pane | (Visible only if Enable Drug-to-Antibody Ratio is selected in the processing method) Displays the calculated average drug-to-antibody ratio (DAR) values. You can specify a different drug load in the Matched Sequence pane or select a different subset of components in the Results table to update the calculated values. |
Real Time Optimization pane | Displays the same parameters as those on the Parameters > Component Detection and Identification pages so that you can adjust these parameters and perform real-time optimization. |