The following table lists the parameters that are available on the Spectra Comparison page.

Spectra Comparison page parameters



Deconvoluted Spectra Library table

Displays the spectra that you can select to show in the mirror plot for comparison.

Row number (bolded)

The number assigned to each spectrum in the table. This sequential numbering does not change when you sort or filter the table.

Spectra Selection (checkbox)

Select the checkbox for the two spectra that you want to compare in the mirror plot.

Spectrum Name

Displays the name of each spectrum available in the library.

Raw File Name

Displays the name of the original raw data file that produced each spectrum.

Source Spectrum Method

Displays the source spectrum method used to process each spectrum.

Deconvolution Algorithm

Displays the deconvolution algorithm used to process each spectrum.

Scan Range

Displays the scan range from which the each spectrum was derived.

RT Range

Displays the retention time (RT) range from which each spectrum was derived.

Most Abundant Mass

Displays the mass of the most abundant component in the each spectrum.

Number of Components

Displays the number of components in each spectrum.

Creation Time

Displays the date and time of when you add each spectrum to the library.


Displays the description of each spectrum as specified in the Add to Library dialog box (if applicable).


Show Details

Opens the Spectrum Information box, which displays the deconvolution parameters used to produce the selected spectrum.


Deletes the selected spectra from the library.

Mirror Plot Pane

Displays a mirror plot of the selected spectra for comparison.

Spectrum Name

Displays the name of each spectrum that you specify when you add it to the library.

Raw Data File

Displays the name of the raw data file used to produce each spectrum.

Deconvolution Algorithm

Displays the deconvolution algorithm used to produce each spectrum.


Displays the normalized level (intensity) values of the most abundant peak in each spectrum.

Relative Intensity (y axis)

Displays the ratio of the intensity of a specific peak to the intensity of the peak with the highest intensity.

Mass (x axis)

Displays the mass of the ions formed from molecules.