An extracted ion chromatogram (XIC), also called a selected ion chromatogram (SIC), shows the intensity of the signal for a specific component (m/z value) as a function of retention time (RT).
In the intact mass analysis workflow, the BioPharma Finder application can generate an XIC for each of the components in a deconvolved spectrum.
To generate an XIC for each component in your analysis, do the following:
- For experiments using the Xtract algorithm, select the Calculate XIC checkbox on the Parameters > Component Detection page of the processing method editing wizard. You must select the Show Advanced Parameters checkbox to view this parameter.
- See Edit the Component Detection page and Xtract deconvolution parameters.
- For experiments using the ReSpect algorithm, select the Calculate XIC checkbox on the Parameters > Component Detection page of the processing method editing wizard.
- See Edit the Component Detection page and ReSpect deconvolution parameters.
After you process your experiment, you can view the XIC for a selected component in your analysis in the Chromatogram pane on the Process and Review page. See View the chromatograms.
Do not use an XIC for quantitative analysis of components in your experiment. XIC chromatograms may include portions signal unrelated to the given component and thus result in inaccurate quantification calculations.
For quantitative analysis, you can use the abundance trace for a given component for more accurate and reliable quantification calculations. Abundance traces are generated for experiments using either the Xtract of ReSpect algorithms with the sliding window deconvolution method. See Abundance traces.