
  1. In the Protein Sequence Map pane of the Protein Sequence Editor, position the cursor before the unmodified cysteine (denoted C, highlighted in yellow) of interest, right-click, and select Create Link.
  2. Right-click an unmodified cysteine (C) to which you want to link the first cysteine and select Bridge Link.
  3. Repeat to add additional disulfide links.
  4. NOTE

    When creating disulfide links, a specific cysteine (C) can be linked to only one other specific cysteine. You cannot create multiple disulfide links for a specific cysteine.

  5. The Protein Sequence Map pane displays orange lines connecting the linked cysteine (C) residues.
  6. The Disulfide Link Definitions pane displays the numbers of the chains that the linked residues belong to and their locations within those chains.
  7. When you select a row in the Disulfide Link Definitions table, the application uses green to highlight the corresponding link in the Protein Sequence Map pane.
  8. Disulfide links in the Protein Sequence Map and Disulfide Link Definition pane
    Disulfide links in the Protein Sequence Map and Disulfide Link Definition pane
  9. NOTE

    When assigning additional modifications to your protein sequence, you can not assign any static modifications to a disulfide-linked cysteine (C) residue.

  10. Select Save or Save as New in the command bar to save the modifications. Or, if you do not want to save the modifications to the sequence, select Cancel.
  11. See Save a protein or peptide sequence.