The following table describes the parameters in the Protein Sequence Editor.

Parameters in the Protein Sequence Editor



Command bar

Import Fasta File

Imports a sequence from a FASTA file.

Define Modification List

Opens the Define Modification List dialog box.


Saves the changes to a sequence under its existing name.

Save As New

Opens the Save As New dialog box to save the sequence under a new name.


Closes the Protein Sequence Editor.

Protein Sequence Information pane

Target Protein


Displays the name of the protein sequence.


Displays the description of the protein sequence.


Displays the category of the protein sequence.

Monoisotopic Mass

Displays the monoisotopic mass of the protein sequence.

After you enter the chain information, this box becomes read-only.

Average Mass

Displays the average mass of the protein sequence.

After you enter the chain information, this box becomes read-only.


Displays the molecular formula for the entire protein.

After you enter the chain information, this box becomes read-only.

Apply (button)

Applies the input protein sequence information.



Lists the number of each chain in the protein sequence.

Monoisotopic Mass

Displays the monoisotopic mass of the chain that you selected in the Chain list.

Average Mass

Displays the average mass of the chain that you selected in the Chain list.

Protein Sequence Map pane

Displays the amino acids in the chains in the protein sequence.

Residue Properties and Modifications box

Displays static modifications you can apply to specific residues.

To open the Residue Properties and Modifications dialog box, place your cursor to the left of an amino acid letter code in the Protein Sequence Map and double-click.

Disulfide Link Definitions pane

Displays disulfide bonds for you to edit.

Manual Input Protein Sequence pane

Chain Name

Specifies the name of an added chain in the protein sequence.

(Sequence editor box)

Provides an area for you to type or paste the new chain information.

Apply (button)

Adds the new chain to the Protein Sequence Map pane.

Variable Modifications for Intact and Peptide Analysis pane

Displays variable modifications for you to edit for intact mass analysis or peptide mapping analysis experiments.

Site-Specific Variable Modifications for Top Down Analysis pane

Displays variable modifications for you to edit for top down analysis.

Modification Editor pane

Displays information boxes for you to add or delete custom modifications.