The following table describes the parameters of the Modification Editor pane of the Protein Sequence Editor.

Modification Editor pane parameters




Lists the modifications available to apply to an N-terminal, C-terminal, or side chain.

N Terminal

Displays information about the N-terminal modification that you selected from the list.

Mono. Mass

Displays the monoisotopic mass of the selected N-terminal modification.

Avg. Mass

Displays the average mass of the selected N-terminal modification.


Opens the Add New Modification dialog box, so that you can add a custom N-terminal modification.


Permanently removes the selected custom modification from the list of N-terminal modifications.

C Terminal

Displays information about the C-terminal modification that you selected from the list.

Mono. Mass

Displays the monoisotopic mass of the selected C-terminal modification.

Avg. Mass

Displays the average mass of the selected C-terminal modification.


Opens the Add New Modification dialog box, so that you can add a custom C-terminal modification.


Permanently removes the selected custom modification from the list of C-terminal modifications.

Side Chain

Displays information about the side chain modification that you selected from the list.

Mono. Mass

Displays the monoisotopic mass of the selected side chain modification.

Avg. Mass

Displays the average mass of the selected side chain modification.


Displays the amino acid residue or residues for the selected side chain modification.


Opens the Add New Modification dialog box, so that you can add a custom side chain modification.

In this version of the dialog box, the Residues box is enabled so that you can specify specific residues for the modification.


Permanently removes the selected custom modification from the list of side chain modifications.